# Crevasse Crevasse is a simple Markdown editor with a live preview. It's written in CoffeeScript and available as a jQuery plugin. ## Try it Go ahead, edit the Markdown in the left pane. ## Get it [View source and download on GitHub](http://github.com/patbenatar/crevasse) ## Features * Edit Markdown in one pane and see the preview update live in another * Built for custom interfaces and layouts. You specify the editor and the previewer elements, what you see on this page is just one implementation * Preview automatically scrolls to keep the user centered on what they are editing * Supports flexible dimensions as well as dynamically changing dimensions with JavaScript * Comes with default themes (shown here) and supports custom themes * The raw Markdown is stored and edited in a simple textarea, making it easy to integrate with existing forms and backends * Supports Github Flavored Markdown and code highlighting * Supports converting tabs to a specified number of spaces in editor